Superman Can’t Fix a Toilet
The idea of the lone Superhero is a myth. We should all aim to be Everyday Heroes, these are the people who know how to fix a toilet.
There’s a story of John F. Kennedy having his first tour of NASA in 1961 during the early days of the global space race.
He was walking with a group of rocket scientists and engineers when he saw a Janitor across the hall mopping the floor with more enthusiasm than he could have ever imagined a Janitor to have.
JFK walked over to the man and asked him what he did at NASA and why he was working so hard.
To the President, the Janitor replied with a warm smile, “I’m helping put a man on the Moon!”
The Janitor gets it.
The Janitor understands that it takes all kinds of people to make something happen. He understands his own role in getting a man to the moon.
His purpose, his why, and his reason for whistling to work every day are part of a larger vision, shared by his fellow employees, friends, and family.
In admiring this story of JFK and the janitor, it becomes apparent that Neil Armstrong was not alone when he walked on the moon. “One small step for man, one giant leap for mankind” literally…